Inside The Grit this month
l Delivering reef water
quality outcomes
l Opportunies for
on-ground works
l Suite of training
packages for graziers
l Exploring New
Incentives - BBB suite
of recommendations
he BBB Community
Water Monitoring
Group links graziers with
scientists to enable research
to be packaged in a more
meaningful way - making it
easier for graziers to become
more knowledgeable about
local water challenges, data
visualisation and analysis.
It also opens the way
to graziers’ knowledge
complementing the formal
TropWATER’s Steve Lewis, NQ Dry
Tropics LDC’s Barb Colls with Eileen
Hillier, of Glenmore Station (centre)
Volunteer to be part of producer-driven demonstration site
wants to establish a scalable, multi-faceted
L truth DC
‘whole of enterprise’ demonstration site to ground
a wide range of management and landscape
remediation techniques.
We want to hear from interested graziers. An
Expression of Interest (EOI) to be a part of this exciting
new project will be released at the end of January.
Contact Lisa Hutchinson for further information.