ISSUE 3 – AUGUST, 2018
Inside The Grit this month
l Whoa boy project rolls out
l Eco-graze workshop
l Gully repair
l Landscape rehydration workshop
l Beef Up Forum
l Low-stress stock handling
l RCS Grazing clinic
l Suite of training options
l On The Calendar
BBB whoa boy project begins
EVER before has a whoa boy project rolled out
across the catchment. LDC will host highly-respected
landcare specialist and plant operator Darryl Hill to deliver
erosion control grader training to the project’s pool of
plant contractors and landholders from the first week of
September before delivering the project from September
through to November. Contact us to be a part of it.
How to use this
monthly update
HE Grit is an interactive e-zine...
the real gold is just below the
It’s designed to be a quick and
informative read.
It’s deliberately very brief, touching
only on the essential details in each
Acitivity Area of the LDC project.
Quite often, however, there is more
to the story... and, where there is a
“READ MORE” button at the bottom
of the item, all the extra information
is available, literally at the click of the
Navigating through the publication
is easy - double-click to zoom in,
then move the mouse around to pan
across the page and double-click
again to zoom out.