The Grit Issue 3 | Page 3

THE Have you got an active gully to repair? OT a gully problem? G Would you like help with a remediation grit N ACT O W ! design or do you already have an idea and want to act on it? Nominate a site (1-5ha) to be assessed by the LDC team. We would be rapt to have a look and discuss your potential involvement in the project. Graziers wanting to have a gully assessed need to move quickly - potential sites for LDC attention need to be identified before 10 August. Get involved! HERE is a lot happening and we T want every grazier in the BBB to get involved. A range of opportunities are available: l On-property extension activities, l Joining a cluster group, l Training - such as mapping and erosion control grader workshops. Five activity areas in the LDC project are five activity areas in the T HERE Landholders Driving Change Project: l BBB Grazier Support; l Landscape Remediation; l Influencing Other Land Managers; l Exploring New Incentives, and; l Policy Engagement. LANDHOLDERS DRIVING CHANGE BURDEKIN MAJOR INTEGRATED PROJECT Grit, Issue 3, August, 2018 | P3