Clean and Inspect Machinery - Hygiene course
CCREDITED Clean and Inspect
Machinery Hygiene one-day
courses will be conducted on
4-5 February at the Collinsville
Workers Club.
Conducted by Belinda Callanan
from TH9 Outdoor Services, LDC
will subsidise two people from each
business attending.
Businesses are welcome
to send more people, but
they will not be sudsidised.
The course runs from 9am-
3pm with smoko and lunch
Contact Cherry Emerick
(ph: 0456 015 772) to
reserve a place.
Erosion Sediment and Control workshop
NYBODY interested
in participating in
an Erosion Sediment
and Control workshop
conducted by Des Bolton
of Revegation Contractors
(pictured on the left in
the photograph with NQ
Dry Tropics Grazing Field
Officer Sam Skeat) should
contact NQ Dry Tropics
Senior Project Officer
Cherry Emerick (ph:
0456 015 772).
Cherry is keen to hear
from interested people in
the BBB and will be back
in touch with final details.
Land Condition Assessment Training
Land Condition
Assessment Training
(LCAT) workshop will be held
at the Mt Pleasant Learning
Hub on Wednesday 26
February. It will be presented
by Rob Hassett from the
Department of Environment
and Science.
BBB participants will be gifted
five bags of seed suitable
for their property (heavy or
light soil) including bluegrass,
rhodes grass, urachloa, seca
stylo, desmanthus, panic and
buttterfly pea.
For information contact Cherry
Emerick on 0456 015 772.
Preg test workshop back by popular demand
Y popular demand
veterinarian Ian
Braithwaite returns to
the BBB in March to run
a breeder management
Numbers are limited so
register now with a
LDC grazing support
P4 | Grit Issue 18, February, 2020