Keep tackling the weakest link to improve
Science forum on water quality packed
Burdekin report card good on water quality
THE grit
Keep tackling the weakest link to improve
Basalt River Station graziers Damien and Fran Lyons ( pictured ) say the surest way to improve is to identify the weakest point of your operation , then stick to a plan to improve it . It has worked for them . They ’ ve tied that philosophy into their Grazing Resilience and Sustainable Solutions ( GRASS ) Action Plan .
Science forum on water quality packed
Ben Preston , Department of Climate Change , Energy , the Environment and Water , Ben Ferguson and Bern Hogan , Department of Environment , Tourism , Science and Innovation and Thijs Krugers , NQ Dry Tropics .
NQ Dry Tropics hosted a successful Burdekin Region Water Quality Science Forum in Townsville in September . Visit the forum page to view videos of all of the presentations ; download the presenters ’ slides ; or read a summary of each presentation to get a quick appreciation of the material discussed .
Burdekin report card good on water quality
Burdekin graziers and sugarcane growers are making progress in improving the quality of water flowing to the Great Barrier Reef , according to the recent release of the Reef Water Quality Report Card 2021 and 2022 .
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