Learn how to construct an erosion control bank or whoa boy to protect property roads and tracks .
Gully Erosion , a book by John Day ( pictured ) and Bob Shepherd offers a wealth of information about gully treatments in different soils and situations . Email NQ Dry Tropics for a free copy : info @ nqdrytropics . com . au
RASH Use the RASH manual or the RASH videos to learn how to conduct soil tests for a range of soil properties ... and how to use the information .
THE grit
First Nations teams built leaky weirs across the region . This video explains how leaky weirs work .
Soil Fact Sheets , focusing on the foundation of every farming enterprise — the soil — are available HERE on our website . There are 10 sheets , packed with information .
The Land Condition Photo Standards Guide was developed for rangelands in the Burdekin Dry Tropics region . It provides examples of A-D land condition , critical for deciding when to make changes in management .
Native Grasses , particularly those endemic to Townsville and North Queensland are featured in Nanette Hooker ’ s booklet available from our website .
Healthy Country Indicators is a guide to help landholders recognise the underlying conditions that determine whether or not a particujlar species is prevalent on their land or not . They ’ re indicators .
P12 P12 | Grit | | Grit Issue Issue 33 33 , , December 27 , Summer , , 2024 2022 , December