TropWATER’s Steve Lewis and landholders at
Exmoor Station visiting members of the LDC
Community Water quality Monitoring Group.
Darryl Hill spent a week in the Bowen and
Collnsville area working with landholders and
local contractors on why, how and where to
construct whoa boys (erosion control banks),
and how to maintain them.
On a field trip, visiting gully remediation
and land improvement sites are (from
left) LDC project panel members grazier
Bristow Hughes, of Strathalbyn Station,
CSIRO scientist Christian Roth and
NQ Dry Tropics CEO and LDC project
director Scott Crawford.
LDC senior grazing officer Brendan
Smith with Eileen and Jim Hillier,
Glenmore Station.
NQ Dry Tropics LDC and Sustainable
Soils for the Burdekin projects are
producing a landholders guide to the
Rapid Assessment of Soil Health (RASH),
along with a series of videos to help
graziers assess soil health across a range
of land types.
Grit, Issue 7, December, 2018 | P9