The Grit December 2018 | Page 7

Michael Gordon, Thurso Station, Rob Wilde, Landmark Bowen (centre) and , Bob Harry Shann, Myall Springs and James Goodie, Reedy Creek Station, at the Pest Gubby of Whitsunday Regional Council Advisory Forum. at the Dry Tropics Pest Advisory Forum. LDC senior grazing officer Adrienne Hall, right, caught up with Mrs Watts, of Umina Station at the Bowen River Rodeo. LDC was a proud sponsor of the event. Landcare specialist and plant operator Darryl Hill presented to local operators at Bowen River Hotel before putting theory into practice. LDC Low Stress Stockhandling course with Jim Lindsay, held at Bowen River Showgrounds in October. It was great to see 34 landholders take part in the RCS Grazing Clinic, sponsored by Glencore, followed by a field trip to Jamie Gordon and Garlone Moulin’s property, Mt Pleasant. The workshop was run by Terry McCosker. Grit, Issue 7, December, 2018 | P7