The Green Wave Gazette Spring 2017 (1) | Page 9

Make Every Day a Sammi Kinda Day Her Spirit Lives on Through Charity
Kristen White ‘ 20 Contributor
How many times have you walked past the bench outside of MaryLou ’ s coffee , read the words written in pink “ Have a Sammi Kinda Day ” and wondered “ Who is Sammi and why should I have her kinda day ?” Perhaps , you saw the HASKD float win first place in the Abington St Patrick ’ s Day Parade and thought “ There ’ s Sammi ’ s day again .” Or , maybe you saw a classmate wearing a HASKD tee-shirt . For the last few years “ Have a Sammi Kinda Day ” and the HASKD logo have been showing up all around our town . “ Sammi ” was Samantha Rose Theodore ( AHS Class of 2011 ) and this is why you should always try to have a Sammi Kind of day .
Sammi ’ s family moved to Abington in 2002 . She was a beautiful , outgoing girl with an infectious smile . According to her best friend , and fellow 2011 classmate , Megan Sullivan , Sammi loved socializing more than anything else . She remembers the two of them “ racing out of the school everyday as soon as the bell rang to try to beat the buses .” During senior week there was a three-legged race that Sammi was determined to compete in . She dragged Megan along , and although they didn ’ t win , it was a memory that still makes her laugh . Sammi was voted Best Hair by her senior classmates . It was no surprise when Megan needed a hair model to help her demonstrate “ How to Braid Hair ” in her public speaking class , that Sammi was a willing volunteer .
After graduation , Sammi enrolled at Massasoit Community College where she planned for a career in Childhood Education , with a goal of one day opening her own daycare . However , in October 2013 ,
Sammi Theodore having a Sammi kind of day . ( Facebook Photo from “ Have A Sammi Kind of Day ” )
just a few days before Halloween , Sammi died from complications after a car accident . But , Sammi ’ s story does not end there .
After her death , Sammi ’ s mother , Nancy McDonough , remembered how much Sammi loved children . She remembered conversations she had with Sammi about how some children ’ s families could not afford the same luxuries that Sammi had enjoyed growing up . These things included going to camp , taking part in after school activities and sporting events , and going to prom . In Sammi ’ s memory , her mother founded the “ Have a Sammi Kinda Day Fund ” ( HASKD ). She said she chose that name because she “ always knew Sammi had a different day than the rest of us . I could see how happy she was about her day , how people smiled when they saw her . When I dropped her off at school , I would say ‘ Have a Sammi Kinda Day ’.”
Since Sammi was known for bringing Marylou ’ s coffee to school every day , and eventually working there , it made sense for HASKD to put a bench outside of the coffee shop that said “ Have A Sammi Kinda Day ” in her favorite colorpink . The bench serves as a reminder to the community to live their day to the fullest .
The goal of this charity is to put a smile on the faces of young people by funding activities they could not afford to partake in under normal circumstances . Many charities help families with necessities , but the HASKD fund provides for extra experiences , like going to summer camp , prom , or playing a sport . HASKD helped sponsor the Frolio Middle School ’ s 8th grade 2016 Philadelphia Trip . They also sponsored a back to school shopping trip for a Brockton teen whose family could not afford new clothing , and sent a child to Dustin Pedroia ’ s baseball camp . McDonough also shared that HASKD recently provided a local family with gift cards for Christmas shopping . She remembered the mother ’ s tears because she didn ’ t think that her children would be able to have presents .
Having a Sammi kinda day should have special significance to students here at Abington High . Sammi walked these halls ; she sat in these seats , and took the same classes . Students here share her dreams of hope and of changing the world . To have a Sammi kinda day is to smile through anything that life throws at you and make the best of every opportunity . Sammi ’ s favorite saying was ” Live , Love , Laugh .” Through McDonough ’ s efforts with HASKD , children in the Abington community are living , loving and laughing .
Sammi wanted to be a positive change in her world , and through HASKD she is doing just that . If you would like to help , HASKD is always looking for volunteers to spread Sammi ’ s smile . For more information , please visit
haveasammikindaday . com .
“ Sammi had a different day than the rest of us . I could see how happy she was about her day , how people smiled when they saw her .”
Nancy McDonough
Samantha Rose " Sammi " Theodore