Senior Spotlight: Brianna Medeiros
Doing Her Best One Task at a Time
Allison Dennehy ‘18
Associate Editor
“My advice to
is to challenge
yourself in at
least one area
of life.”
Medeiros ‘17
Senior Brianna Medeiros is a strong
leader both inside and outside of the
classroom. In addition to her extensive
community involvement, Medeiros is
heavily involved in school activities.
She is president of Peer Leaders, a
senior captain for the Math Team, the
ways and means officer for the Nation-
al Honor Society and associate editor
of the Green Wave Gazette. Recently,
her article “New School, New Lan-
guage,” (about the ELL program at
AHS) was chosen for publication in the
Best of School Newspapers On-Line.
Medeiros’ photography, research, and
strong writing skills have greatly bene-
fited the Gazette the past two years.
Before she heads off for college, we
wanted to shine our spotlight on her.
Can you tell us about your col-
lege plans and how you chose
I’m planning to study biology or bio-
medical engineering because I plan to
go to medical school. I haven’t decided
what specialty, but I want to be a
doctor. I’ll be attending UMass Low-
ell, and it’s a great fit because they
have a great biology and engineering
program. I will be able to assist profes-
sors in research and do internships at
the Lowell General Hospital five
minutes away.
You joined the Green Wave Ga-
zette your junior year, what
sparked your interest in joining?
And, what has been your most
memorable experience?
original design restored in all it’s
glory). I found it amusing and made
the format take up the whole page
when you first click on the article,
and then you scroll up to see the
article. Mr. Dorman and I had a few
conversations about formatting after
How do you manage having so
much responsibility for every-
thing you participate in?
I honestly like responsibility; I like
being involved in everything I make
myself a part of. I manage the differ-
ent roles by staying in touch with the
group leaders and doing it little by
What other interests and activ-
ities do you do in your free
In my free time, I like to work out,
preferably outside by playing soccer,
biking or just running. Most of my
free time is spent with my siblings
who are both younger than me. On
I joined the Green Wave Gazette
Sundays, I spend my afternoon at
because I had some friends who joined church where I love to play the
and I thought I could work on my
drums, translate and teach children.
writing more. My most memorable
moment as a GWG member was when What is your most memorable
I did my first upload of an article on to experience at church with
the website, which was a review of
Drake’s album at the time, and the
picture that went along with it had the My most memorable experience
illusion of being an ad for Hotline
with translating was when this man,
Bling (Click here to see Brianna’s
Bill, came up to me after an hour of
translating and said, “Thank you!” It
was a small act, but reminded me
that what it takes is worth it.
Why is family so important to
Since I am the oldest sibling, I take
care of them after school because
both our parents work. We enjoy
each other’s company. I try to mini-
mize my parent’s work rather than
add more to their load so I act like a
parent to them sometimes.
You performed as a featured
dancer in “High School Musi-
cal” this year. Was that a chal-
lenge for you?
Being onstage is not unusual for me.
I have a long background of perfor-
mances from school presentations to
dancing in recitals. If I’m prepared I
have nothing to fear.
As a senior, what advice do
you have for underclassmen?
My advice to underclassmen is to
challenge yourself in at least one
area of life. (It could) be musically,
academically, artistically, athletically
or whatever else is meaningful to
you. But, (you should also) have
things that you find fun, that can
give you a break from the thing you
challenge yourself in.