The Green Wave Gazette September/October 2013 | Page 10
(Kim Phan Photos)
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O CT OBE R 2013
Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Clifford
English Language Arts Teacher, Adviser – The Improvables and Gay Straight Alliance
By Leighann Healy
Staff Writer
This year marks Mrs. Clifford’s 14th
year at Abington High School.
Mrs. Clifford teaches English Language Arts and is the leader of the
Gay Straight Alliance. Her favorite
part of teaching here at AHS is our
school’s collegiality, that we
“support each other in an effort to
work towards a shared mission” (of
providing a great education). One
thing that Mrs. Clifford organized
last year that she would like to see
happen again is the Acceptance Day
Rally. She “loved to see the student
population evolve into a united
group,” celebrating everyone for
their talents, academic and otherwise.
originally had the idea for the group
in her public speaking class. The
class would often play improv
games to warm up, and the students
loved improv so much that she decided to expand it and make a
troupe in 2011. Mrs. Clifford has
always been involved in theatre and
acting, coming from a theatrical
Mrs. Clifford is also well known for family. She took theatre classes in
high school, did community theatre
her creation of the AHS improv
in college, and also participated in
troupe “The Improvables.” She
High Impact – Magnussen cont. from p.9
(the concussion) I only went to
school for two periods a day. I
gradually did more and I finished
my (cont. on pg 10)sophomore year
doing four periods along with
lunch. If I did any more I would get
migraines and feel sick,” said Hurley. Happily, the symptoms subsid Yݙ\