The Green Wave Gazette June 2014 J UNE 201 4 C OMPU TER OFFIC E The Green Wave Gazette Mr. AHS A Night to Remember In This Issue P.2 The men of Abington High Strut Their Stuff Megan Meehan Staff Writer P. 3 On Friday May 23, the Masters of CereFrolio Auditorium was mony Riley Morribursting with laughter. son and Leighann The brave men of Healy carried the Abington High School audience and conput on a show that kept testants from act the entire audience to act. They kept entertained and enthe audience engaged. The men gaged by seamClockwise from Bottom Center - Matt Whalen, Alex Nagle, Brian Nickley, Sean fought for the title in O’Brien, Sam Malafronte, Ed Toomey, Jason Halpin, Travis Torchetti, Al Freeman and lessly transitiona series of serious Brian Curran (Courtesy of Marc Vasconcellos-Brockton Enterprise) ing with wellbattles: talent, formal timed jokes and ning‟s stand out talents were wear, and the daunting quesinformative introductions. Sam Malafronte‟s “Super tion and answer round. The judges had a deep well of Bass” lip sync, Brian NickNo time was wasted as the entertainment to fish a winner ley and Alex Nagle‟s duel opening number, choreoout of. Asst. Principal Sullivan, for the „most sax appeal,‟ graphed by Caroline and Ms. Kinsman, Mr. McGinness, Sean O‟Brien and his band, Nicole Bradbury, was a hit. and Mr. Porcello chose to and Matt Whalen‟s tackling Dancing to The Backstreet crown Matt Whalen as the demonstration which unBoys, the all-white clad reigning Mr. AHS. The event folded into a very well chocontestants showed off their was carried through thanks to reographed Beyonce‟s personalities and instantly the drama club adviser – Mr. „Single Ladies‟ dance fealet the audience know that Shannon, student coordinator – turing Caroline and Nicole they were in for a treat. Susan Mullen, and the stage Bradbury. There was a perThe talent portion of the crew. A night that lived up to formance or two that seemed evening, where each contestits hype, Mr. AHS was a show to have some hiccups but ant lived up to the uniquethat will be remembered for a recoveries were bravely ness, effort, and humor that long time. made and the night gloriwas promised to be showously continued. cased. Some of the eve- Follow us on Twitter @GWavegazette P. 4 P. 5 P. 12 P. 13