The Great Outdoors 1 | Page 10

The wildcat - all you wanted to know

More rare than the bengal tiger, this illusive creature can only be found in the remote North of Scotland. They used to roam all over Britainbut were hunted for their fur during the Reign of Queen victoria in the 1800s. They like to live in dense forests, moorlands and scrub, far from houses and people. They hide in des among rocks and tree roots, and will even live in old badger setts and fox holes!

wilderness rarity

Wildcats are completely carniverous, with their favorite food being rabbit and hare. Mice and voles will also suffice, and nothing is wasted. Fur, bones, you name it, is eaten so as to get all the possible nutrients out of the food. Patient and stealthy, they stalk their chossen victim until they ae close enough to break into an explosive 30mph sprint! In a lethal pounce, 18 razor sharp claws appear from rotating wrists to grip the prey, which is finished off by a swift bite to the neck. And then...


cat food

By Max Dent

Wildcats are crepuscular (they are active at dawn and dusk), so during the day wildcats hide themselvves in dense undergrowth or up a tree, and go to sleep.

At night, though, wildcats patrol tehir territory, scent marking and hunting as they go.

night shift