The Great Controversy The Great Controversy | Page 6

Man of Calvary , who came to save . Thence onward along the great highway of the nations , it points us to the persecutions of God ’ s children in the first centuries ; the great apostasy which followed in his church ; the world-awakening of the reformation , in which some of the great principles of the controversy are clearly manifest ; the awful lesson of the rejection of right principles by France ; the revival and exaltation of the Scriptures , and their beneficent , life-saving influence ; the religious awakening of the last days ; the unsealing of the radiant fountain of God ’ s word , with its wonderful revelations of light and knowledge to meet the baleful upspringing of every delusion of darkness .
The present impending conflict , with the vital principles involved , in which no one can be neutral , is simply , lucidly , strongly , set forth .
Last of all , we are told of the eternal and glorious victory of good over evil , right over wrong , light over darkness , joy over sorrow , hope over despair , glory over shame , life over death , and everlasting , long-suffering love over vindictive hate .
Beginning with its first edition ( 1888 ), followed by an author ’ s revision ( 1911 ), this outstanding work has achieved worldwide circulation through many editions and translations . The reader will find that the author writes frankly and vigorously , pointing out errors and suggesting solutions based on the infallible Word of God . And even though the last few decades have witnessed shifts and adjustments in the socioreligious world , the main scheme and the future projections presented in this book maintain today full timeliness and absorbing interest .
Former editions of this book have brought many souls to the True Shepherd ; it is the prayer of the Publisher that this edition may be even more fruitful of eternal good .
The Publishers .