The Great Controversy The Great Controversy | Page 350

glory , that had led them to cling so tenaciously to the false teaching of their time , and to pass unheeded the Saviour ’ s words showing the true nature of His kingdom , and pointing forward to His agony and death . And these errors resulted in the trial — sharp but needful — which was permitted for their correction . Though the disciples had mistaken the meaning of their message , and had failed to realize their expectations , yet they had preached the warning given them of God , and the Lord would reward their faith and honor their obedience . To them was to be entrusted the work of heralding to all nations the glorious gospel of their risen Lord . It was to prepare them for this work that the experience which seemed to them so bitter had been permitted .
After His resurrection Jesus appeared to His disciples on the way to Emmaus , and , “ beginning at Moses and all the prophets , He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself .” Luke 24:27 . The hearts of the disciples were stirred . Faith was kindled . They were “ begotten again into a lively hope ” even before Jesus revealed Himself to them . It was His purpose to enlighten their understanding and to fasten their faith upon the “ sure word of prophecy .” He wished the truth to take firm root in their minds , not merely because it was supported by His personal testimony , but because of the unquestionable evidence presented by the symbols and shadows of the typical law , and by the prophecies of the Old Testament . It was needful for the followers of Christ to have an intelligent faith , not only in their own behalf , but that they might carry the knowledge of Christ to the world . And as the very first step in imparting this knowledge , Jesus directed the disciples to “ Moses and all the prophets .” Such was the testimony given by the risen Saviour to the value and importance of the Old Testament Scriptures .
What a change was wrought in the hearts of the disciples as they looked once more on the loved countenance of their