The Great Controversy The Great Controversy | Page 248

the people the New Testament Scriptures in their own language , was now confirmed , and he immediately applied himself to the work . Driven from his home by persecution , he went to London , and there for a time pursued his labors undisturbed . But again the violence of the papists forced him to flee . All England seemed closed against him , and he resolved to seek shelter in Germany . Here he began the printing of the English New Testament . Twice the work was stopped ; but when forbidden to print in one city , he went to another . At last he made his way to Worms , where , a few years before , Luther had defended the gospel before the Diet . In that ancient city were many friends of the Reformation , and Tyndale there prosecuted his work without further hindrance . Three thousand copies of the New Testament were soon finished , and another edition followed in the same year .
With great earnestness and perseverance he continued his labors . Notwithstanding the English authorities had guarded their ports with the strictest vigilance , the word of God was in various ways secretly conveyed to London and thence circulated throughout the country . The papists attempted to suppress the truth , but in vain . The bishop of Durham at one time bought of a bookseller who was a friend of Tyndale his whole stock of Bibles , for the purpose of destroying them , supposing that this would greatly hinder the work . But , on the contrary , the money thus furnished , purchased material for a new and better edition , which , but for this , could not have been published . When Tyndale was afterward made a prisoner , his liberty was offered him on condition that he would reveal the names of those who had helped him meet the expense of printing his Bibles . He replied that the bishop of Durham had done more than any other person ; for by paying a large price for the books left on hand , he had enabled him to go on with good courage .
Tyndale was betrayed into the hands of his enemies , and at one time suffered imprisonment for many months . He finally witnessed for his faith by a martyr ’ s death ; but the weapons which he prepared have enabled other soldiers