The Great Controversy The Great Controversy | Page 202

lives in popish lands ? This would have been to betray , at that supreme hour , the cause of the gospel and the liberties of Christendom .”— Wylie , b . 9 , ch . 15 . Rather would they “ sacrifice everything , even their states , their crowns , and their lives .”— D ’ Aubigne , b . 13 , ch . 5 .
“ Let us reject this decree ,” said the princes . “ In matters of conscience the majority has no power .” The deputies declared : “ It is to the decree of 1526 that we are indebted for the peace that the empire enjoys : its abolition would fill Germany with troubles and divisions . The Diet is incompetent to do more than preserve religious liberty until the council meets .”— Ibid ., b . 13 , ch . 5 . To protect liberty of conscience is the duty of the state , and this is the limit of its authority in matters of religion . Every secular government that attempts to regulate or enforce religious observances by civil authority is sacrificing the very principle for which the evangelical Christian so nobly struggled .
The papists determined to put down what they termed “ daring obstinacy .” They began by endeavoring to cause divisions among the supporters of the Reformation and to intimidate all who had not openly declared in its favor . The representatives of the free cities were at last summoned before the Diet and required to declare whether they would accede to the terms of the proposition . They pleaded for delay , but in vain . When brought to the test , nearly one half their number sided with the Reformers . Those who thus refused to sacrifice liberty of conscience and the right of individual judgment well knew that their position marked them for future criticism , condemnation , and persecution . Said one of the delegates : “ We must either deny the word of God , or — be burnt .”— Ibid ., b . 13 , ch . 5 .
King Ferdinand , the emperor ’ s representative at the Diet , saw that the decree would cause serious divisions unless the princes could be induced to accept and sustain it . He therefore tried the art of persuasion , well knowing that to employ force with such men would only render them the more determined . He “ begged the princes to accept the decree ,