The Great Controversy The Great Controversy | Page 134

cried the Roman zealots . “ It is high treason against the church to allow so horrible a heretic to live one hour longer . Let the scaffold be instantly erected for him !”— Ibid ., b . 3 , ch . 9 . But Luther did not fall a prey to their fury . God had a work for him to do , and angels of heaven were sent to protect him . Many , however , who had received from Luther the precious light were made the objects of Satan ’ s wrath and for the truth ’ s sake fearlessly suffered torture and death .
Luther ’ s teachings attracted the attention of thoughtful minds throughout all Germany . From his sermons and writings issued beams of light which awakened and illuminated thousands . A living faith was taking the place of the dead formalism in which the church had so long been held . The people were daily losing confidence in the superstitions of Romanism . The barriers of prejudice were giving way . The word of God , by which Luther tested every doctrine and every claim , was like a two-edged sword , cutting its way to the hearts of the people . Everywhere there was awakening a desire for spiritual progress . Everywhere was such a hungering and thirsting after righteousness as had not been known for ages . The eyes of the people , so long directed to human rites and earthly mediators , were now turning in penitence and faith to Christ and Him crucified .
This widespread interest aroused still further the fears of the papal authorities . Luther received a summons to appear at Rome to answer to the charge of heresy . The command filled his friends with terror . They knew full well the danger that threatened him in that corrupt city , already drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus . They protested against his going to Rome and requested that he receive his examination in Germany .
This arrangement was finally effected , and the pope ’ s legate was appointed to hear the case . In the instructions communicated by the pontiff to this official , it was stated that Luther had already been declared a heretic . The legate was therefore charged “ to prosecute and constrain without