The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 78

practical character of his mind led him to desire the solid and useful rather than the showy and superficial .
When , at the age of eighteen , he entered the University of Erfurt , his situation was more favorable and his prospects were brighter than in his earlier years . His parents having by thrift and industry acquired a competence , they were able to render him all needed assistance . And the influence of judicious friends had somewhat lessened the gloomy effects of his former training . He applied himself to the study of the best authors , diligently treasuring their most weighty thoughts and making the wisdom of the wise his own . Even under the harsh discipline of his former instructors he had early given promise of distinction , and with favorable influences his mind rapidly developed . A retentive memory , a lively imagination , strong reasoning powers , and untiring application soon placed him in the foremost rank among his associates . Intellectual discipline ripened his understanding and aroused an activity of mind and a keenness of perception that were preparing him for the conflicts of his life .
The fear of the Lord dwelt in the heart of Luther , enabling him to maintain his steadfastness of purpose and leading him to deep humility before God . He had an abiding sense of his dependence upon divine aid , and he did not fail to begin each day with prayer , while his heart was continually breathing a petition for guidance and support . " To pray well ," he often said , " is the better half of study ." -- D ' Aubigne , b . 2 , ch . 2 . While one day examining the books in the library of the university , Luther discovered a Latin Bible . Such a book he had never before seen . He was ignorant even of its existence . He had heard portions of the Gospels and Epistles , which were read to the people at public worship , and he supposed that these were the entire Bible . Now , for the first time , he looked upon the whole of God ' s word . With mingled awe and wonder he turned the sacred pages ; with quickened pulse and throbbing heart he read for himself the words of life , pausing now and then to exclaim : " O that God would give me such a book for myself !" -- Ibid ., b . 2 , ch . 2 .
Angels of heaven were by his side , and rays of light from the throne of God revealed the treasures of truth to his understanding . He had ever feared to offend God , but now the deep conviction of his condition as a sinner took hold upon him as never before . An earnest desire to be free from sin and to find peace with God led him at last to enter a cloister and devote himself to a monastic life . Here he was required to perform the lowest drudgery and to beg from house to house . He was at an age when respect and appreciation are most eagerly craved , and these menial offices were deeply mortifying to his natural feelings ; but he patiently endured this humiliation , believing that it was necessary because of his sins .