The murderers of Huss did not stand quietly by and witness the triumph of his cause . The pope and the emperor united to crush out the movement , and the armies of Sigismund were hurled upon Bohemia . But a deliverer was raised up . Ziska , who soon after the opening of the war became totally blind , yet who was one of the ablest generals of his age , was the leader of the Bohemians . Trusting in the help of God and the righteousness of their cause , that people withstood the mightiest armies that could be brought against them . Again and again the emperor , raising fresh armies , invaded Bohemia , only to be ignominiously repulsed . The Hussites were raised above the fear of death , and nothing could stand against them . A few years after the opening of the war , the brave Ziska died ; but his place was filled by Procopius , who was an equally brave and skillful general , and in some respects a more able leader .
The enemies of the Bohemians , knowing that the blind warrior was dead , deemed the opportunity favorable for recovering all that they had lost . The pope now proclaimed a crusade against the Hussites , and again an immense force was precipitated upon Bohemia , but only to suffer terrible defeat . Another crusade was proclaimed . In all the papal countries of Europe , men , money , and munitions of war were raised . Multitudes flocked to the papal standard , assured that at last an end would be made of the Hussite heretics . Confident of victory , the vast force entered Bohemia . The people rallied to repel them . The two armies approached each other until only a river lay between them . " The crusaders were in greatly superior force , but instead of dashing across the stream , and closing in battle with the Hussites whom they had come so far to meet , they stood gazing in silence at those warriors ." --Wylie, b . 3 , ch . 17 . Then suddenly a mysterious terror fell upon the host . Without striking a blow , that mighty force broke and scattered as if dispelled by an unseen power . Great numbers were slaughtered by the Hussite army , which pursued the fugitives , and an immense booty fell into the hands of the victors , so that the war , instead of impoverishing , enriched the Bohemians .
A few years later , under a new pope , still another crusade was set on foot . As before , men and means were drawn from all the papal countries of Europe . Great were the inducements held out to those who should engage in this perilous enterprise . Full forgiveness of the most heinous crimes was ensured to every crusader . All who died in the war were promised a rich reward in heaven , and those who survived were to reap honor and riches on the field of battle . Again a vast army was collected , and , crossing the frontier they entered Bohemia . The Hussite forces fell back before them , thus drawing the invaders farther and farther into the country , and leading them to count the victory already won . At last the army of Procopius made a stand , and turning upon the foe , advanced to give them battle . The crusaders , now discovering their mistake , lay in their encampment awaiting the onset . As the sound of the approaching force was heard , even before the Hussites were in sight , a panic