6 . Two Heroes
The gospel had been planted in Bohemia as early as the ninth century . The Bible was translated , and public worship was conducted , in the language of the people . But as the power of the pope increased , so the word of God was obscured . Gregory VII , who had taken it upon himself to humble the pride of kings , was no less intent upon enslaving the people , and accordingly a bull was issued forbidding public worship to be conducted in the Bohemian tongue . The pope declared that " it was pleasing to the Omnipotent that His worship should be celebrated in an unknown language , and that may evils and heresies had arisen from not observing this rule ." --Wylie, b . 3 , ch . 1 . Thus Rome decreed that the light of God ' s word should be extinguished and the people should be shut up in darkness . But Heaven had provided other agencies for the preservation of the church . Many of the Waldenses and Albigenses , driven by persecution from their homes in France and Italy , came to Bohemia . Though they dared not teach openly , they labored zealously in secret . Thus the true faith was preserved from century to century .
Before the days of Huss there were men in Bohemia who rose up to condemn openly the corruption in the church and the profligacy of the people . Their labors excited widespread interest . The fears of the hierarchy were roused , and persecution was opened against the disciples of the gospel . Driven to worship in the forests and the mountains , they were hunted by soldiers , and many were put to death . After a time it was decreed that all who departed from the Romish worship should be burned . But while the Christians yielded up their lives , they looked forward to the triumph of their cause . One of those who " taught that salvation was only to be found by faith in the crucified Saviour ," declared when dying : " The rage of the enemies of the truth now prevails against us , but it will not be forever ; there shall arise one from among the common people , without sword or authority , and against him they shall not be able to prevail ." -- Ibid ., b . 3 , ch . 1 . Luther ' s time was yet far distant ; but already one was rising , whose testimony against Rome would stir the nations .
John Huss was of humble birth , and was early left an orphan by the death of his father . His pious mother , regarding education and the fear of God as the most valuable of possessions , sought to secure this heritage for her son . Huss studied at the provincial school , and then repaired to the university at Prague , receiving admission as a charity scholar . He was accompanied on the journey to Prague by his mother ; widowed and poor , she had no gifts of worldly wealth to bestow upon her son , but as they drew near to the great city , she kneeled down beside the fatherless youth and invoked for him the blessing of their Father in heaven . Little did that mother realize how her prayer was to be answered .