The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 56

was at this time no law in England prohibiting the Bible , for it had never before been published in the language of the people . Such laws were afterward enacted and rigorously enforced . Meanwhile , notwithstanding the efforts of the priests , there was for a season opportunity for the circulation of the word of God .
Again the papal leaders plotted to silence the Reformer ' s voice . Before three tribunals he was successively summoned for trial , but without avail . First a synod of bishops declared his writings heretical , and , winning the young king , Richard II , to their side , they obtained a royal decree consigning to prison all who should hold the condemned doctrines . Wycliffe appealed from the synod to Parliament ; he fearlessly arraigned the hierarchy before the national council and demanded a reform of the enormous abuses sanctioned by the church . With convincing power he portrayed the usurpation and corruptions of the papal see . His enemies were brought to confusion . The friends and supporters of Wycliffe had been forced to yield , and it had been confidently expected that the Reformer himself , in his old age , alone and friendless , would bow to the combined authority of the crown and the miter . But instead of this the papists saw themselves defeated . Parliament , roused by the stirring appeals of Wycliffe , repealed the persecuting edict , and the Reformer was again at liberty .
A third time he was brought to trial , and now before the highest ecclesiastical tribunal in the kingdom . Here no favor would be shown to heresy . Here at last Rome would triumph , and the Reformer ' s work would be stopped . So thought the papists . If they could but accomplish their purpose , Wycliffe would be forced to abjure his doctrines , or would leave the court only for the flames . But Wycliffe did not retract ; he would not dissemble . He fearlessly maintained his teachings and repelled the accusations of his persecutors . Losing sight of himself , of his position , of the occasion , he summoned his hearers before the divine tribunal , and weighed their sophistries and deceptions in the balances of eternal truth . The power of the Holy Spirit was felt in the council room . A spell from God was upon the hearers . They seemed to have no power to leave the place . As arrows from the Lord ' s quiver , the Reformer ' s words pierced their hearts . The charge of heresy , which they had brought against him , he with convincing power threw back upon themselves . Why , he demanded , did they dare to spread their errors ? For the sake of gain , to make merchandise of the grace of God ? " With whom , think you ," he finally said , " are ye contending ? with an old man on the brink of the grave ? No ! with Truth--Truth which is stronger than you , and will overcome you ." --Wylie, b . 2 , ch . 13 . So saying , he withdrew from the assembly , and not one of his adversaries attempted to prevent him .