The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 492

with presumptuous folly who reverently makes the attempt to do this . . . . In taking a day as the prophetical term for a year , I believe you are sustained by the soundest exegesis , as well as fortified by the high names of Mede , Sir Isaac Newton , Bishop Newton , Kirby , Scott , Keith , and a host of others who have long since come to substantially your conclusions on this head . They all agree that the leading periods mentioned by Daniel and John , do actually expire about this age of the world , and it would be a strange logic that would convict you of heresy for holding in effect the same views which stand forth so prominent in the notices of these eminent divines ." " Your results in this field of inquiry do not strike me so far out of the way as to affect any of the great interests of truth or duty ." " Your error , as I apprehend , lies in another direction than your chronology ." " You have entirely mistaken the nature of the events which are to occur when those periods have expired . This is the head and front of your expository offending ." See also Leroy Edwin Froom , Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers ( Washington , D . C .: Review and Herald Publishing Assn ., 1950 ), vol . 1 , chs . 1 , 2 .
Page 435 . A Threefold Message . --Revelation 14:6 , 7 foretells the proclamation of the first angel ' s message . Then the prophet continues : " There followed another angel , saying , Babylon is fallen , is fallen . . . . And the third angel followed them ." The word here rendered " followed " means " to go along with ," " to follow one ," " go with him ." See Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott , Greek English Lexicon ( Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1940 ), vol . 1 , p . 52 . It also means " to accompany ." See George Abbott-Smith , A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament ( Edinburgh : T . and T . Clark , 1950 ), page 17 . It is the same word that is used in mark 5:24 , " Jesus went with him ; and much people followed Him , and thronged Him ." It is also used of the redeemed one hundred and forty-four thousand , Revelation 14:4 , where it is said , " These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth ." In both these places it is evident that the idea intended to be conveyed is that of " going together ," " in company with ." So in 1 Corinthians 10:4 , where we read of the children of Israel that " they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them ," the word " followed " is translated from the same Greek word , and the margin has it , " went with them ." From this we learn that the idea in Revelation 14:8 , 9 is not simply that the second and third angels followed the first in point of time , but that they went with him . The three messages are but one threefold message . They are three only in the order of their rise . But having risen , they go on together and are inseparable .
Page 447 . Supremacy of the Bishops of Rome . --For the leading circumstances in the assumption of supremacy by the bishops of Rome , see Robert Francis Cardinal Bellarmine , Power of the Popes in Temporal Affairs ( there is an English translation in the Library of Congress , Washington , D . C .); Henry Edward Cardinal Manning , The Temporal Power of the Vicar of Jesus Christ ( London : Burns and Lambert , 2d ed ., 1862 ); and James Cardinal