The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 476


General Notes for the Great Controversy
Revisions adopted by the E . G . White Trustees
November 19 , 1956 , and December 6 , 1979
Page 50 . Titles . --In a passage which is included in the Roman Catholic Canon Law , or Corpus Juris Canonici , Pope Innocent III declares that the Roman pontiff is " the vicegerent upon earth , not of a mere man , but of very God ;" and in a gloss on the passage it is explained that this is because he is the vicegerent of Christ , who is " very God and very man ." See Decretales Domini Gregorii Papae IX ( Decretals of the Lord Pope Gregory IX ), liber 1 , de translatione Episcoporum , ( on the transference of Bishops ), title 7 , ch . 3 ; Corpus Juris Canonici ( 2d Leipzig ed ., 1881 ), col . 99 ; ( Paris , 1612 ), tom . 2 , Decretales , col . 205 . The documents which formed the Decretals were gathered by Gratian , who was teaching at the University of Bologna about the year 1140 . His work was added to and re-edited by Pope Gregory IX in an edition issued in 1234 . Other documents appeared in succeeding years from time to time including the Extravagantes , added toward the close of the fifteenth century . All of these , with Gratian ' s Decretum , were published as the Corpus Juris Canonici in 1582 . Pope Pius X authorized the codification in Canon law in 1904 , and the resulting code became effective in 1918 .
For the title " Lord God the Pope " see a gloss on the Extravagantes of Pope John XXII , title 14 , ch . 4 , Declaramus . In an Antwerp edition of the Extravagantes , dated 1584 , the words " Dominum Deum nostrum Papam " (" Our Lord God the Pope ") occur in column 153 . In a Paris edition , dated 1612 , they occur in column 140 . In several editions published since 1612 the word " Deum " (" God ") has been omitted .
Page 50 . Infallibility . --On the doctrine of infallibility as set forth at the Vatican Council of 1870-71 , see Philip Schaff , The Creeds of Christendom , vol . 2 , Dogmatic Decrees of the Vatican Council , pp . 234-271 , where both the Latin and the English texts are given . For discussion see , for the Roman Catholic view , The Catholic Encyclopedia , vol . 7 , art . " Infallibility ," by Patrick J . Toner , p . 790 ff .; James Cardinal Gibbons , The Faith of Our Fathers ( Baltimore : John Murphy Company , 110th ed ., 1917 ), chs . 7 , 11 . For Roman Catholic opposition to the doctrine of papal infallibility , see Johann Joseph Ignaz von Doellinger