The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 45

The Waldenses longed to break to these starving souls the bread of life , to open to them the messages of peace in the promises of God , and to point them to Christ as their only hope of salvation . The doctrine that good works can atone for the transgression of God ' s law they held to be based upon falsehood . Reliance upon human merit intercepts the view of Christ ' s infinite love . Jesus died as a sacrifice for man because the fallen race can do nothing to recommend themselves to God . The merits of a crucified and risen Saviour are the foundation of the Christian ' s faith . The dependence of the soul upon Christ is as real , and its connection with Him must be as close , as that of a limb to the body , or of a branch to the vine .
The teachings of popes and priests had led men to look upon the character of God , and even of Christ , as stern , gloomy , and forbidding . The Saviour was represented as so far devoid of sympathy with man in his fallen state that the mediation of priests and saints must be invoked . Those whose minds had been enlightened by the word of God longed to point these souls to Jesus as their compassionate , loving Saviour , standing with outstretched arms , inviting all to come to Him with their burden of sin , their care and weariness . They longed to clear away the obstructions which Satan had piled up that men might not see the promises , and come directly to God , confessing their sins , and obtaining pardon and peace .
Eagerly did the Vaudois missionary unfold to the inquiring mind the precious truths of the gospel . Cautiously he produced the carefully written portions of the Holy Scriptures . It was his greatest joy to give hope to the conscientious , sin-stricken soul , who could see only a God of vengeance , waiting to execute justice . With quivering lip and tearful eye did he , often on bended knees , open to his brethren the precious promises that reveal the sinner ' s only hope . Thus the light of truth penetrated many a darkened mind , rolling back the cloud of gloom , until the Sun of Righteousness shone into the heart with healing in His beams . It was often the case that some portion of Scripture was read again and again , the hearer desiring it to be repeated , as if he would assure himself that he had heard aright . Especially was the repetition of these words eagerly desired : " The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin ." 1 John 1:7 . " As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness , even so must the Son of man be lifted up : that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish , but have eternal life ." John 3:14 , 15 .
Many were undeceived in regard to the claims of Rome . They saw how vain is the mediation of men or angels in behalf of the sinner . As the true light dawned upon their minds they exclaimed with rejoicing : " Christ is my priest ; His blood is my sacrifice ; His altar is my confessional ." They cast themselves wholly upon the merits of Jesus , repeating the words , " Without faith it is impossible to please Him ." Hebrews 11:6 . " There is none other name under heaven given among men , whereby we must be saved ." Acts 4:12 . The assurance of a