brotherly love . In times of peace they were sustained by the freewill offerings of the people ; but , like Paul the tentmaker , each learned some trade or profession by which , if necessary , to provide for his own support .
From their pastors the youth received instruction . While attention was given to branches of general learning , the Bible was made the chief study . The Gospels of Matthew and John were committed to memory , with many of the Epistles . They were employed also in copying the Scriptures . Some manuscripts contained the whole Bible , others only brief selections , to which some simple explanations of the text were added by those who were able to expound the Scriptures . Thus were brought forth the treasures of truth so long concealed by those who sought to exalt themselves above God . By patient , untiring labor , sometimes in the deep , dark caverns of the earth , by the light of torches , the Sacred Scriptures were written out , verse by verse , chapter by chapter . Thus the work went on , the revealed will of God shining out like pure gold ; how much brighter , clearer , and more powerful because of the trials undergone for its sake only those could realize who were engaged in the work . Angels from heaven surrounded these faithful workers .
Satan had urged on the papal priests and prelates to bury the word of truth beneath the rubbish of error , heresy , and superstition ; but in a most wonderful manner it was preserved uncorrupted through all the ages of darkness . It bore not the stamp of man , but the impress of God . Men have been unwearied in their efforts to obscure the plain , simple meaning of the Scriptures , and to make them contradict their own testimony ; but like the ark upon the billowy deep , the word of God outrides the storms that threaten it with destruction . As the mine has rich veins of gold and silver hidden beneath the surface , so that all must dig who would discover its precious stores , so the Holy Scriptures have treasures of truth that are revealed only to the earnest , humble , prayerful seeker . God designed the Bible to be a lessonbook to all mankind , in childhood , youth , and manhood , and to be studied through all time . He gave His word to men as a revelation of Himself . Every new truth discerned is a fresh disclosure of the character of its Author .
The study of the Scriptures is the means divinely ordained to bring men into closer connection with their Creator and to give them a clearer knowledge of His will . It is the medium of communication between God and man . While the Waldenses regarded the fear of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom , they were not blind to the importance of a contact with the world , a knowledge of men and of active life , in expanding the mind and quickening the perceptions . From their schools in the mountains some of the youth were sent to institutions of learning in the cities of France or Italy , where was a more extended field for study , thought ,