The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 417

numbers , wealth , and popularity , and look with contempt upon the advocates of truth as few , poor , and unpopular , having a faith that separates them from the world .
Christ foresaw that the undue assumption of authority indulged by the scribes and Pharisees would not cease with the dispersion of the Jews . He had a prophetic view of the work of exalting human authority to rule the conscience , which has been so terrible a curse to the church in all ages . And His fearful denunciations of the scribes and Pharisees , and His warnings to the people not to follow these blind leaders , were placed on record as an admonition to future generations .
The Roman Church reserves to the clergy the right to interpret the Scriptures . On the ground that ecclesiastics alone are competent to explain God ' s word , it is withheld from the common people .[* See Appendix Note for Page 340 .] Though the Reformation gave the Scriptures to all , yet the selfsame principle which was maintained by Rome prevents multitudes in Protestant churches from searching the Bible for themselves . They are taught to accept its teachings as interpreted by the church ; and there are thousands who dare receive nothing , however plainly revealed in Scripture , that is contrary to their creed or the established teaching of their church .
Notwithstanding the Bible is full of warnings against false teachers , many are ready thus to commit the keeping of their souls to the clergy . There are today thousands of professors of religion who can give no other reason for points of faith which they hold than that they were so instructed by their religious leaders . They pass by the Saviour ' s teachings almost unnoticed , and place implicit confidence in the words of the ministers . But are ministers infallible ? How can we trust our souls to their guidance unless we know from God ' s word that they are light bearers ? A lack of moral courage to step aside from the beaten track of the world leads many to follow in the steps of learned men ; and by their reluctance to investigate for themselves , they are becoming hopelessly fastened in the chains of error . They see that the truth for this time is plainly brought to view in the Bible ; and they feel the power of the Holy Spirit attending its proclamation ; yet they allow the opposition of the clergy to turn them from the light . Though reason and conscience are convinced , these deluded souls dare not think differently from the minister ; and their individual judgment , their eternal interests , are sacrificed to the unbelief , the pride and prejudice , of another .
Many are the ways by which Satan works through human influence to bind his captives . He secures multitudes to himself by attaching them by the silken cords of affection to those who are enemies of the cross of Christ . Whatever this attachment may be , parental , filial ,