The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 378

bliss of the eternal world . God has given in His word decisive evidence that He will punish the transgressors of His law .
Those who flatter themselves that He is too merciful to execute justice upon the sinner , have only to look to the cross of Calvary . The death of the spotless Son of God testifies that " the wages of sin is death ," that every violation of God ' s law must receive its just retribution . Christ the sinless became sin for man . He bore the guilt of transgression , and the hiding of His Father ' s face , until His heart was broken and His life crushed out . All this sacrifice was made that sinners might be redeemed . In no other way could man be freed from the penalty of sin . And every soul that refuses to become a partaker of the atonement provided at such a cost must bear in his own person the guilt and punishment of transgression .
Let us consider what the Bible teaches further concerning the ungodly and unrepentant , whom the Universalist places in heaven as holy , happy angels . " I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely ." Revelation 21:6 . This promise is only to those that thirst . None but those who feel their need of the water of life , and seek it at the loss of all things else , will be supplied . " He that overcometh shall inherit all things ; and I will be his God , and he shall be My son ." Verse 7 . Here , also , conditions are specified . In order to inherit all things , we must resist and overcome sin .
The Lord declares by the prophet Isaiah : " Say ye to the righteous , that it shall be well with him ." " Woe unto the wicked ! it shall be ill with him : for the reward of his hands shall be given him ." Isaiah 3:10 , 11 . " Though a sinner do evil an hundred times ," says the wise man , " and his days be prolonged , yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God , which fear before Him : but it shall not be well with the wicked ." Ecclesiastes 8:12 , 13 . And Paul testifies that the sinner is treasuring up unto himself " wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God ; who will render to every man according to his deeds ;" " tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doeth evil ." Romans 2:5 , 6,9 .
" No fornicator , nor unclean person , nor covetous man , who is an idolater , hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God ." Ephesians 5:5 , A . R . V . " Follow peace with all men , and holiness , without which no man shall see the Lord ." Hebrews 12:14 . " Blessed are they that do His commandments , that they may have right to the tree of life , and may enter in through the gates into the city . For without are dogs , and sorcerers , and whoremongers , and murderers , and idolaters , and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie ." Revelation 22:14 , 15 .