The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 327

the new birth the heart is brought into harmony with God , as it is brought into accord with His law . When this mighty change has taken place in the sinner , he has passed from death unto life , from sin unto holiness , from transgression and rebellion to obedience and loyalty . The old life of alienation from God has ended ; the new life of reconciliation , of faith and love , has begun . Then " the righteousness of the law " will " be fulfilled in us , who walk not after the flesh , but after the Spirit ." Romans 8:4 . And the language of the soul will be : " O how love I Thy law ! it is my meditation all the day ." Psalm 119:97 .
" The law of the Lord is perfect , converting the soul ." Psalm 19:7 . Without the law , men have no just conception of the purity and holiness of God or of their own guilt and uncleanness . They have no true conviction of sin and feel no need of repentance . Not seeing their lost condition as violators of God ' s law , they do not realize their need of the atoning blood of Christ . The hope of salvation is accepted without a radical change of heart or reformation of life . Thus superficial conversions abound , and multitudes are joined to the church who have never been united to Christ .
Erroneous theories of sanctification , also , springing from neglect or rejection of the divine law , have a prominent place in the religious movements of the day . These theories are both false in doctrine and dangerous in practical results ; and the fact that they are so generally finding favor , renders it doubly essential that all have a clear understanding of what the Scriptures teach upon this point . True sanctification is a Bible doctrine . The apostle Paul , in his letter to the Thessalonian church , declares : " This is the will of God , even your sanctification ." And he prays : " The very God of peace sanctify you wholly ." 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ; 5:23 .
The Bible clearly teaches what sanctification is and how it is to be attained . The Saviour prayed for His disciples : " Sanctify them through Thy truth : Thy word is truth ." John 17:17 . And Paul teaches that believers are to be " sanctified by the Holy Ghost ." Romans 15:16 . What is the work of the Holy Spirit ? Jesus told His disciples : " When He , the Spirit of truth , is come , He will guide you into all truth ." John 16:13 . And the psalmist says : " Thy law is the truth ." By the word and the Spirit of God are opened to men the great principles of righteousness embodied in His law . And since the law of God is " holy , and just , and good ," a transcript of the divine perfection , it follows that a character formed by obedience to that law will be holy . Christ is a perfect example of such a character . He says : " I have kept My Father ' s commandments ." " I do always those things that please Him ." John 15:10 ; 8:29 . The followers of Christ are to become like Him--by the grace of God to form characters in harmony with the principles of His holy law . This is Bible sanctification .