The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 322

27 . Revival

Wherever the word of God has been faithfully preached , results have followed that attested its divine origin . The Spirit of God accompanied the message of His servants , and the word was with power . Sinners felt their consciences quickened . The " light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world " illumined the secret chambers of their souls , and the hidden things of darkness were made manifest . Deep conviction took hold upon their minds and hearts . They were convinced of sin and of righteousness and of judgment to come . They had a sense of the righteousness of Jehovah and felt the terror of appearing , in their guilt and uncleanness , before the Searcher of hearts . In anguish they cried out : " Who shall deliver me from the body of this death ?" As the cross of Calvary , with its infinite sacrifice for the sins of men , was revealed , they saw that nothing but the merits of Christ could suffice to atone for their transgressions ; this alone could reconcile man to God . With faith and humility they accepted the Lamb of God , that taketh away the sin of the world . Through the blood of Jesus they had " remission of sins that are past ."
These souls brought forth fruit meet for repentance . They believed and were baptized , and rose to walk in newness of life--new creatures in Christ Jesus ; not to fashion themselves according to the former lusts , but by the faith of the Son of God to follow in His steps , to reflect His character , and to purify themselves even as He is pure . The things they once hated they now loved , and the things they once loved they hated . The proud and self-assertive became meek and lowly of heart . The vain and supercilious became serious and unobtrusive . The profane became reverent , the drunken sober , and the profligate pure . The vain fashions of the world were laid aside . Christians sought not the " outward adorning of plaiting the hair , and of wearing of gold , or of putting on of apparel ; but . . . the hidden man of the heart , in that which is not corruptible , even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit , which is in the sight of God of great price ." 1 Peter 3:3 , 4 .
Revivals brought deep heart-searching and humility . They were characterized by solemn , earnest appeals to the sinner , by yearning compassion for the purchase of the blood of Christ . Men and women prayed and wrestled with God for the salvation of souls . The fruits of such revivals were seen in souls who shrank not at self-denial and sacrifice , but rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer reproach and trial for the sake of Christ . Men beheld a transformation in the lives of those who had professed the name of Jesus . The community was benefited by their influence . They gathered with Christ , and sowed to the Spirit , to reap life everlasting .