The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 246

with his caution the whole of the Christian dispensation down to the year 1798 . It is this side of that time that the message of Christ ' s second coming is to be proclaimed .
No such message has ever been given in past ages . Paul , as we have seen , did not preach it ; he pointed his brethren into the then far-distant future for the coming of the Lord . The Reformers did not proclaim it . Martin Luther placed the judgment about three hundred years in the future from his day . But since 1798 the book of Daniel has been unsealed , knowledge of the prophecies has increased , and many have proclaimed the solemn message of the judgment near .
Like the great Reformation of the sixteenth century , the advent movement appeared in different countries of Christendom at the same time . In both Europe and America men of faith and prayer were led to the study of the prophecies , and , tracing down the inspired record , they saw convincing evidence that the end of all things was at hand . In different lands there were isolated bodies of Christians who , solely by the study of the Scriptures , arrived at the belief that the Saviour ' s advent was near .
In 1821 , three years after Miller had arrived at his exposition of the prophecies pointing to the time of the judgment , Dr . Joseph Wolff , " the missionary to the world ," began to proclaim the Lord ' s soon coming . Wolff was born in Germany , of Hebrew parentage , his father being a Jewish rabbi . While very young he was convinced of the truth of the Christian religion . Of an active , inquiring mind , he had been an eager listener to the conversations that took place in his father ' s house as devout Hebrews daily assembled to recount the hopes and anticipations of their people , the glory of the coming Messiah , and the restoration of Israel . One day hearing Jesus of Nazareth mentioned , the boy inquired who He was . " A Jew of the greatest talent ," was the answer ; " but as He pretended to be the Messiah , the Jewish tribunal sentenced Him to death ." " Why ," rejoined the questioner , " is Jerusalem destroyed , and why are we in captivity ?" " Alas , alas !" answered his father , " because the Jews murdered the prophets ." The thought was at once suggested to the child : " Perhaps Jesus was also a prophet , and the Jews killed Him when He was innocent ." -- Travels and Adventures of the Rev . Joseph Wolff , vol . 1 , p . 6 . So strong was this feeling that , though forbidden to enter a Christian church , he would often linger outside to listen to the preaching .
When only seven years old he was boasting to an aged Christian neighbor of the future triumph of Israel at the advent of the Messiah , when the old man said kindly : " Dear boy , I will tell you who the real Messiah was : He was Jesus of Nazareth , . . . whom your ancestors have crucified , as they did the prophets of old . Go home and read the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah ,