The Great Controversy - Ellen G. White | Page 23

They had fought the good fight , and they were to receive the crown of glory when Christ should come . The sufferings which they endured brought Christians nearer to one another and to their Redeemer . Their living example and dying testimony were a constant witness for the truth ; and where least expected , the subjects of Satan were leaving his service and enlisting under the banner of Christ . Satan therefore laid his plans to war more successfully against the government of God by planting his banner in the Christian church . If the followers of Christ could be deceived and led to displease God , then their strength , fortitude , and firmness would fail , and they would fall an easy prey .
The great adversary now endeavored to gain by artifice what he had failed to secure by force . Persecution ceased , and in its stead were substituted the dangerous allurements of temporal prosperity and worldly honor . Idolaters were led to receive a part of the Christian faith , while they rejected other essential truths . They professed to accept Jesus as the Son of God and to believe in His death and resurrection , but they had no conviction of sin and felt no need of repentance or of a change of heart . With some concessions on their part they proposed that Christians should make concessions , that all might unite on the platform of belief in Christ .
Now the church was in fearful peril . Prison , torture , fire , and sword were blessings in comparison with this . Some of the Christians stood firm , declaring that they could make no compromise . Others were in favor of yielding or modifying some features of their faith and uniting with those who had accepted a part of Christianity , urging that this might be the means of their full conversion . That was a time of deep anguish to the faithful followers of Christ . Under a cloak of pretended Christianity , Satan was insinuating himself into the church , to corrupt their faith and turn their minds from the word of truth .
Most of the Christians at last consented to lower their standard , and a union was formed between Christianity and paganism . Although the worshipers of idols professed to be converted , and united with the church , they still clung to their idolatry , only changing the objects of their worship to images of Jesus , and even of Mary and the saints . The foul leaven of idolatry , thus brought into the church , continued its baleful work . Unsound doctrines , superstitious rites , and idolatrous ceremonies were incorporated into her faith and worship . As the followers of Christ united with idolaters , the Christian religion became corrupted , and the church lost her purity and power . There were some , however , who were not misled by these delusions . They still maintained their fidelity to the Author of truth and worshiped God alone .
There have ever been two classes among those who profess to be followers of Christ . While one class study the Saviour ' s life and earnestly seek to correct their defects and conform