THE GREAT BARRIER REEF | Australia's Natural wonder The great barrier reef | Page 16


You Can Make a Difference

You don't have to be a scientist to have a positive impact on coral reefs.


1.Conserve water: The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater will pollute our oceans.

2.Help reduce pollution: Walk, bike or ride the bus. Fossil fuel emissions from cars and industry raise lead to ocean warming which causes mass-bleaching of corals and can lead to widespread destruction of reefs.

3.Research what you put on your lawn: Although you may live thousands of miles from a coral reef ecosystem, these products flow into the water system, pollute the ocean, and can harm coral reefs and marine life.

4.Dispose of your trash properly: Don't leave unwanted fishing lines or nets in the water or on the beach. Any kind of litter pollutes the water and can harm the reef and the fish


5.Support reef-friendly businesses: Ask the fishing, boating, hotel, aquarium, dive or snorkelling operators how they protect the reef. Be sure they care for the living reef ecosystem and ask if the organisation

responsible is part of a coral reef ecosystem management effort.

6.Plant a tree: Trees reduce runoff into the oceans. You will also contribute to reversing the warming of our planet and the rising temperatures of our oceans. Help us Plant a Billion.

7.Practice safe and responsible diving and snorkelling: Do not touch the reef or anchor your boat on the reef. Contact with the coral will damage the delicate coral animals, and anchoring on the reef can kill it, so look for sandy bottom or use moorings if available.