Once cool, put one of the red sponges on a cake
stand or cake board, sticking it down with a
small blob of icing.
y Spread some of the icing over the cake and top
with the gold sponge, being generous with the
y Top with more icing and the final red sponge,
flat-side up.
y When assembled, use a palette knife to cover
the entire cake with a thin layer of the icing,
filling any gaps between sponges - don’t worry
about completely covering the sponges at this
stage - this is the crumb coat and ensures that
your final layer is crumb-free.
y Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes to allow the
icing to firm up..
y Once the crumb coat is chilled, use the rest of
the icing to completely cover the cake. Pile the
The Grapevine
icing on top of the cake, then use a palette knife
to ease it over the edge and down the sides.
y Chill for another 30 minutes.
y For the chocolate drip, melt the white chocolate
in a bowl set over a pan of lightly simmering
water or in the microwave in short bursts. Pour
into a disposable piping bag and set aside to
firm up a little – it should bepourable but not
too runny.
y Remove the cake from the fridge. Use edible
gold spray to cover the surface in a thin layer of
y When the white chocolate is the correct
consistency, snip off the end of the piping bag
and pipe drizzles down the side of the cake. Fill
in the top with the remaining chocolate.
y Top with the gingerbread star tree, or your
choice of decorations.