The Grapevine Winter 2019/2020 Grapevine Dec-Jan 2029 v3 | Page 20

Pershore Abbey Purple for Polio P ershore Rotary lit up our ancient Abbey in purple on Thursday 24th October to mark World Polio Day, and raised over £300 from a street collection in Pershore to buy vaccine to help eradicate the disease. Purple is the symbolic colour in the fight against polio, inspired by the colour of the dye painted on the little finger of a child to signify they have received a potentially life-saving polio vaccine. Over 400 million children in up to sixty countries have to receive multiple doses of the polio vaccine annually with around 2 billion doses being administered. If we ease up on our work now it is estimated there will be at least 200,000 cases annually all over the world within 10 years. Pershore Rotary’s President, Ken Rowe, commented “We were proud to mark World Polio Day on 23rd October, recognising the work of Rotary and our partners and the millions of people involved in the fight for a polio free world. Together we can end polio once and for all.” Since Rotary and its partners launched the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) over 30 years ago, the incidence of polio has plummeted by more than 99.99%, from about 350,000 cases Sage Accounng Services a year in 125 countries to just 33 cases in 2018 and with just two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan, reporting new cases of wild poliovirus. Rotary has committed to raising US$50 million each year to support global polio eradication efforts, with that funding matched 2-to-1 by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Rotary has contributed more than US$1.9 billion to ending polio since 1985. DESIGNING WITH PLANTS PLANTS DESIGNING WITH London College of Garden Design Trained RHS L3 LEVEL - 20 3 YEARS - 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE MAKING TAX DIGITAL? WE CAN HELP! Sales and Purchase Ledger, Credit Control • Bank Reconciliaon Supplier Payments • VAT Returns Payroll & Sage Accounts Karen on 07804 522633 20 CLOUD PRUNING PRUNING CLOUD GARDEN DESIGN & & MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE GARDEN DESIGN 07472 383412 [email protected] [email protected] EDGEHOGDESIGNS.COM EDGEHOGARDENS.COM To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected]