The Grapevine Early Spring 2020 Grapevine Feb-Mar 2020 v1 | Page 6
Hello Readers...
Happy New Year, and
welcome to the Early
Spring edition of The
I hope you had an
enjoyable festive season,
albeit a very wet one! As I
write, it is once again
pouring with rain. I’ve
just been out in the
garden (to feed the hedgehog) and although we are
not prone to flooding in this area, the ground is so
soggy my cats have decided to take swimming
lessons! It’s a pity we can’t somehow redirect our
horribly wet weather down south to Australia, where
they so desperately need it.
G rapevine
Publisher & Advertising
Grapevine Publications (Worcestershire) Ltd
[email protected]
On to this month’s magazine. For the music fans out
there, we are running a competition to win a
Bluetooth speaker. You’ll find the details on page
15, so have a go and see if you can work out the
hidden word in the Word Search. If you are one of
our advertisers and would like to use this to
promote your business with your own bespoke
Word Search, give me a call or email me for details.
[email protected]
Advertising & Editorial
It’s a Leap Year this year, and traditionally that means
that instead of waiting for him to pop the question,
ladies you can do the proposing! I recently saw a
couple of YouTube clips showing very elaborate
proposals involving flash mob dance routines –
great fun, and really very romantic. So come on
girls, let’s see what you can come up with. If he says
yes, then drop me an email with the details and we’ll
print the most original as an article in the next issue
– the winner gets a box of Thornton’s chocolates.
Haines Watts
Sandie Davis
Sue Johnson
Trevor Langley
West Mercia Police
Until next time, stay happy and healthy.
ase re
Next Issue Copy Date
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for 2 m
Front Cover
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sourcing local goods and services is strictly prohibited. © 2020
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