The Grapevine Early Spring 2020 Grapevine Feb-Mar 2020 v1 | Page 47

Cherry Orchard, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 1EY 01386 553232 DOLVWV UYLFH NLQJVROXWLRQV ng&RSHQLQJ ting&RSHQLQJ ENGINEERS SMITHS and 9 762450 Bella Fashion 6FDUYHVWLJKWVIDVKLRQ MHZHOOHU\VRFNVHWF Mobility Centre Used mobility scooters 07393 488044 Bob's Curry Hut Gluten-free & vegan Indian food, snacks & curries 07811 757220 Orchard Frames Bespoke framing, picture frames, photo frames, clean/repair/recycle 07393 979847 Bubblicious 9DSLQJHFLJVDUWLVDQVRDSV bathbombs and gifts 07743 400620 Pershore Engraving Trophies, keys cut, gifts, new and used mobility aids 07784 750710 Carole Ann Ladies' Fashion skirts, trousers and jackets 01386 553412 Pershore Footwear Wide fittings, shoes, bags for ladies and gents 01386 552782 Custom Graphix Custom printing, mugs, signs, banners and copying 07800 861800 Pershore Pet & Tack Shop Food, toys and bedding 01386 561635 E.D. Furniture Ltd Quality new furniture, beds and mattresses 07341 443323 Ken & Jen Mason and Daughters Fresh fruit, veg and flowers 01386 555805 LDA Meats Fine quality Butcher & Deli 01386 554010 Little Gems Pre-loved clothes, jewellery and bric-a-brac Pershore Rugs Hug rugs, doormats and kitchen mats 01386 565588 Poppy's Stationery, packing & postal, knitting service 01905 820914 Smart Cards Greetings cards, gift wrap, balloons and banners 07912 537441 Sweet Traditions IRUPHUO\&DQG\%R[ Wessex flour, cake boards, sugar paste and all your baking and decorating needs 07584 025157 The Book Shop Paper backs. kids' books, adult colouring, atlases, CDs and DVDs The Hideaway Sheepskin and cow hide rugs; fitted carpets 07748 236410 The Market Cafe Hot & Cold food all day and take out service 01386 561695 The Sewing Lady Alterations and repairs to curtains and clothing 07412 873359 Sally's Bargains Toasters, kettles, fryers, steamers, cookware 07966 287828 The Tool Den Garden and general tools, tool repair and sharpening 07711 868367 Shabby Vintage Shabby Chic furniture, gifts and vintage items 07961 805395 TJM Outfitters Complete range of menswear since 1978 01386 550344 Stalls now available - New ventures welcomed Call Mark on 01386 553232 for more details Open 9am to 4.30pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday behind ASDA with ample parking front and rear The Grapevine Situated 47