The Grapevine Early Spring 2020 Grapevine Feb-Mar 2020 v1 | Page 4

Proud Winners of Ultraframe Conservatories Installation of the Month Celebrati n 36 yea g in busin rs ess A complete range of stunning Glazed Extensions and Conservatories   BESPOKE WINDOWS AND DOORS | AUTHORISED RETAIL PARTNER 7INDOWS s $OORS s #ONSERVATORIES s 'LAZED %XTENSIONS Glassier Exhibition Centres 7ORCESTER 2D s $RAKES "ROUGHTON s 0ERSHORE 7ORCESTERSHIRE 72 !' s 4EL   7ORCESTER 2D s 5PTON 7ARREN s "ROMSGROVE 7ORCESTERSHIRE " %5 s 4EL   % INFO GLASSIERCOUK s WWWGLASSIERCOUK STONEBOW HOUSE Monday - Friday AM TO PM 3ATURDAY AM TO PM 3UNDAY 5PTON 7ARREN ONLY AM TO PM Barbara’s House Clearance Service Stonebow House proudly announces our new website. Please visit ...or call in Stonebow House Residential Care Home, Worcester Road, Peopleton, WR10 2DY ¨ 01905 840245 DIRTY OVEN Hate cleaning your oven? Then let us do it for you! Full or partial house clearance Sheds, Loft and Garages cleared SAFE TO COOK STRAIGHT AWAY * All totally non-corrosive ĂŶĚƐĂĨĞƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐ * Specialist equipment ΎEŽŶͲĐĂƵƐƟĐ * No smells Sympathetic lady owner, very experienced in dealing with family bereavement and moving into Nursing Home situations Over 10 years experience in donating recycled goods to Local Charities Tel: 01386 553700 • [email protected] 4 Also specialists in cleaning: ΎDŝĐƌŽǁĂǀĞƐ Ύ,ŽďƐ Ύ'ƌŝůůƐ ΎdžƚƌĂĐƚŽƌ&ĂŶƐ * AGAs ΎZĂŶŐĞƐ Peter & Janet 07730 620153 To advertise call 01684 833715 or email: [email protected]