The Grape Vine Summer Holidays 2014 | Page 5

There’s something to be said about filmmakers who...

...who are able to create a world that is completely fictional, completely made-up, but at the same time, completely real. It’s definitely a tough job trying to immerse an audience in a universe that they have to actually believe is real, while at the same time keeping them entertained. This has been done expertly by directors like Peter Jackson, with his “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, or George Lucas with “Star Wars”. However, sometimes a fantastical universe isn’t quite as fun as the previously mentioned titles. Sometimes, fictional worlds can take on a darker, bleaker, and scarier atmosphere that can really get under our skin. So, to go with the dystopian theme of this issue (and helped by my horrible obsession with movies), I present to you, the top 10 dystopian films of all time, in my humble opinion.


Top 10 Dystopian Movies

of All Time

[by Johnny Mocny]

Number 10:


Steven Spielberg is one of my favorite directors, and definitely one of the greatest directors of all time. He has such a diverse style, and this really showed with his science-fiction/action epic, Minority Report, based on a short story by Phillip K. Dick. In a future society where criminals can be arrested before actually committing their crime, Tom Cruise plays a cop who is accused of a future murder. Really good performances by Cruise, Colin Farrell, and Max Von Sydow and perfect cinematography, along with John Williams’ dramatic score and Spielberg’s always worthwhile directing, this one is a science-fiction classic.

Number 9:


What’s to be said about Ridley Scott’s futuristic crime-noir masterpiece that hasn’t already been said? Smartly written and superbly directed, with a killer performance by Harrison Ford, there’s really only one thing left to say about this violent, atmospheric sci-fi thriller: Watch it. Now.