The Grape Vine Summer Holidays 2014 | Page 16


“Come along and have the time of your life, only at Nescopae. You won’t want to leave!”

It was a gloomy midnight, and that stupid ad was playing on the TV screen. I had basically memorized the whole thing by the next morning and when I woke up, I had a strong urge to just go to that place. I don’t know why, the ad was terrible; I then realized the TV was on, playing the ad again….. I swiftly turned it off before anyone could see it.

When I get to school, I go to class and sit in my normal seat. Within a couple of minutes I am humming the theme song to Nescopae’s ad. My friend, Matt leans over and asks, “Is that the Nescopae ad? It’s getting pretty annoying.”

“Have you seen that as well? I got that pesky woman’s voice stuck in my head!”

Ellen leans over from the back and whispers, “Are you guys considering going there? I want to see how horrible it really is!”

“Might as well, right? The summer holiday is just a few days away and we have nothing to do anyways,” I reply.

Shawn, the new kid appears from the middle of nowhere and asks, “C…can I come too? My parents will be away the whole 2 months and I was planning on going there anyway.”

Matt’s getting quite excited by now, “I guess so, the more the merrier, right guys?”

He gives me an awkward glance and I gave him one of those ‘I don’t care’ shrugs.

“Okay then, looks like the 4 of us are going to explore Nescopae this summer holiday!” chirps Ellen, oblivious as always.

We decide to meet up at Matt’s house after school, to discuss it more and plan this ‘amazing’ trip…….


We didn’t realize at the time – how could we - that this was the most important decision in our lives. It was before we actually understood the hidden message of the advertisement.

But we found out soon enough. And then there was no turning back…

To be continued…

No Turning Back

[ by Andy & Seajin ]