APRIL 29, 2014
The UNHCR are supplying building materials and essentials to make the refugees everyday lives
bearable. However, recently the leading agencies that provide them with food have halved the
amount of supplies they send due to financial shortages. “The current global increase in food
prices is striking hard against people who are dependent on programs for their survival, rice
prices have risen by over 100% this year,” said a spokesman from TBBC (Thai Burma Border
Consortium). Mae La is continually growing and people will starve if they stop the food supply
because they have no way to sustain themselves due to lack of land.
This is a catastrophe.
How can we stop this terror and violence throughout the world which forces people to flee their
homeland? How can we guarantee that they have a safe haven where they can rebuild their lives?
Once they are given this chance to start again how can we ensure that we don’t take it away?
We must ensure the plight of these people never leaves the media spotlight and their human
rights are protected whatever the cost.