APRIL 29, 2014
Bangkok Post
by Seajin Kim
After a two hour drive from school, we arrived at the Bangkok Post
office. We were all elated and thrilled by the tall building ahead of
us. In the meeting room, we were warmly welcomed with a presentation about the history of
Bangkok Post and how newspapers were made in the past and how they’re made nowadays. From
this presentation, we found out about the various different sections of the newspapers, different
media of the Bangkok Post (magazines, radios, etc.) and the different events they held and
participated in to help and donate to people who are in need of their help.
Afterwards, we went to meet the editors and journalists of the different sections of the
newspapers. They were all working very hard to finish all of their work on time and to be
published the next day.
We also visited the library, where all the articles of different topics were kept since 1946.
Journalists and editors would cut out their articles from the published newspapers and stick them
into a folder, suitable for the topic and write a small description about it at the bottom. This way,
editors and journalists who need to find information relating to their own articles could look for
similar events or articles from the past and be more informed about them. Nowadays, they just
simply save their articles directly from their computers with a new software, which can find all
kinds of things if they just search for it from their seats.
Our last stop in the Bangkok Post office was at the output control office. Here, everything is
checked carefully for the last time before sending the articles to the printing press and from there
all over Thailand.
Our new journey star FVBBF