The Grape Holiday Edition | Page 5

Wine and the Five Senses--What You Didn't Know

Everyone is aware that the human body revolves around the five core sense that are used to distinguish aspects of every day life. But, who would think that all five of those senses are prominent in every wine experience?

According to wine expert, Brent Simpson, one’s sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell are all equally as important when having a glass of wine.

“There is a cheer when you are at a dinner: ‘wine satisfies all five senses,’” he said. “For sight, wine looks good in the glass. The color is amazing. There is something satisfying about that.”

After the wine is poured and one reaches for the stem of the dainty glass, more contentment of the experience begins.

“The feel—the feel of a wine glass in your hand by the stem is very attractive. But, something is so satisfying about that—that smell. The aroma smells good; it’s a great bouquet. And when you actually put the wine in your mouth and swish it around, it is satisfying. And hearing—when you hear people enjoying wine and enjoying the company of everyone in that room, you get that nice sound of ‘ting’ during a cheer.”

Wine is more than an alcoholic beverage, it is more than a filler to a special event, in fact, wine is a culture within itself. So many components that are present in celebratory tradition create endless special memories.