The Gospel Truth September 2013 | Page 2

My Father, My God: Lord it is my pleasure to honor You today. Father I claim victory in all areas of my life. You are the way maker and my trust in You is steadfast. Father God I thank You for the opportunity to breathe Your sweet fresh air, and to have my thirst quenched by Your cooling waters. Lord You provide for all of my needs. You keep me in Your loving care. You bless me everyday. Lord I am your child and I need You to survive this journey You have placed before me. My steps are ordered by You. Guide me Father and keep me focused on You. Life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, but You are the constant in it all. Lord I love You and cannot live without You. I am so blessed Father by Your love. I am touched each day by Your grace and Your mercy. I am Your child. --AMEN Full Deliverance Baptist Church 101 S. Redland Rd., Florida City FL. 305.247.4541 [email protected] Join us for our Annual Changing Your Direction Conference (CYD 2013), with special guest, Pastor John W. Smith Jr., PASTOR, BIBLE TEACHER, AUTHOR, and BUSINESSMAN. Pastor John has a vision to teach the nations through broadcast, internet and the church for the purpose of empowering believers with the instruction and impartation of the word of God. Pastor John has experienced numerous miracles including deliverance from Multiple Sclerosis. He travels globally and speaks in churches, conventions and Christian broadcasting networks delivering a message of faith and wisdom that causes the HEARER to be forever transformed. Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus, Veronica Buie Veronica Buie On Friday September 20th, 2013 at 7PM-9PM, Pastor John will be teaching “BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH LEADERSHIP” Part Two of this class will be held Saturday September 21st, at 9:30AM-12:30PM. The class will be held at FULL DELIVERANCE BAPTIST CHURCH and THE CLASS IS FREE. We encourage your leadership team and members of your congregation to come out and be blessed by this teaching. On Sunday, September 22nd, at FULL DELIVERANCE BAPTIST CHURCH 11AM SERVICE, Pastor John will be the guest speaker. Anthony Robinson CYD CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 20TH-22ND 2013; KINGDOM BUILDING the KINGDOM BUSINESS requires KINGDOM THINKING by way of KINGDOM EDUCATION. Thank You, Pastor Victor Hickson.