Rev. Johnny L. Barber, II, Th. M.
Moderator, Florida East Coast
Baptist Association
Getting close to the Great Lion can place you
in the line of danger!!!!
British novelist Clive Staples Lewis was
not only a poet and novelist but he was
a lay theologian and Christian apolo-
gist. One of his more popular works
is The Chronicles of Narnia in which a
main character Aslan, the Great Lion is
a prototype Christ/God. In this series
Aslan is depicted as this lovable, wise,
and compassionate guide, guardian
and savior of Narnia. Those that have
read the series or have seen the film ad-
aptations fall in love with Aslan. Lewis’
characterization of God as this lovable
lion is an interesting choice as an alle-
gorical figure. While Aslan is lovable
he is yet a lion. Need I remind you that
lions are not necessarily the friendli-
est of beast. Lions whether in captivity
or the wild are dangerous. However,
Lewis chose to depict God as the Great
Lion of Narnia. News alert!!!! Getting
close to lions can place you in the line
of danger!!!!
Job tells us that, “man that is born
of a woman is of few days and full of
trouble.” (Job 14:1). This statement is
an inclusive truism for all of mankind
which includes Christians and non-
Christians alike. Jesus informed His
disciples that you will have tribulation.
I would love to tell you that my Chris-
tian experience contradicts these texts.
However, on the contrary, Christians
will experience turbulence in their
lives. Sometimes when we are close to
the Great Lion we will find ourselves in
the line of danger. Biblical characters
such as Daniel who served God and
was faithful irrespective to living as a
captive in Babylon found himself in the
line of danger. Daniel, who was close to
the Great Lion, was thrown into a den
of lions to be devoured. His cohorts
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
also served God with an unwavering
faith nevertheless found themselves in
the line of danger. They were thrown
into a fiery furnace, which was heated
seven times hotter than it had ever
been heated, to be burned to death.
These instances are but indicators that
when you are close to the Great Lion
that it places you in the line of danger.
Erroneous beliefs and teachings cou-
pled with an invincibility syndrome
causes lives to be lived as though exis-
tence is forever. James the Just asked
the question, “What is your life?”
(James 4:14). He then turns and says
that, “it is but a vapor that appears for
a little time and then vanishes away.”
(James 4:14). Diseases, sicknesses, ail-
ments, and worn down bodies are par
for life. I would love to tell you that
being close to the Great Lion gains
you an exempt status to these trials.
Such is not the case. The reality is that
Christians can and will be visited by
these trials. When Christians experi-
ence these moments over and against
their Biblical teachings their faith gets
tested. Questions rush in like a flood.
While thoughts weave a woeful web.
Doubt begins to build a faith crippling
momentum. Closeness to the Great
Lion does not grant invincibility it
does place you in line of this danger.
Christianity can be frustrating as
we wrestle not only with the blows
that life pounds us with but the dan-
gers experienced while being close to
the Great Lion. I’ve had to stand and
preach a comforting word to a par-
ent whose daughter died after having
a seizure. On another occasion I had
to give words that aimed at comforting
a recently wedded wife whose husband
died in a car accident. Then there are
those times in Christian life where life
was taken by cancer and seeing a fam-
ily devastated by their lost that I had to
offer words on the Great Lion’s behalf.
In each of these experiences families
were close to the Great Lion and it did
not keep them away from the pain and
darkness that settled in their lives. I’ve
been taught that God does all things
well yet if I can be transparent I wres-
tled with articulating that wellness in
the context of these experiences. I was
left alone and wrestled with the Great
Lion. I had to pour over the Scrip-
tures and even question God. This was
above my pay grade. I have heard that
you should not question God. I did
not question His work. I did however,
question what was He up to. In these
moments I came face to face with the
danger that comes from being close to
the Great Lion. I was wrestling with
God. I was not the first and you will
not be the first to wrestle with God. In
the Bible Jacob wrestled with God in
fact Jacob had gained the upper hand
in this wrestling match. The Biblical
narrative revealed that God gained
the upper hand by dislocating Jacob’s
thigh. He thought he was winning but
with one touch God showed that He