The Gospel Truth Magazine March 2019 | Page 13

11 Women Share the Faith of Helping Beyond the Pretty Dress Celebrating Black History Month with authors across South Florida recently, Freeman Thomas Books (a Pecan Tree Publishing Imprint) released its first company-developed title BEYOND THE PRETTY DRESS. BEYOND THE PRETTY DRESS on the surface is about women who have chosen or have been chosen to do ministry beyond traditional walls and pews. In a deeper sense, it is about laying aside traditional and denominational beliefs and thoughts and seeking in a very intimate sense one’s purpose and spiritual calling from life, pains, traumas, loss and awakenings. Claudette Freeman, Publisher says, “The ministry of Jesus was unconventional. He served, taught and interacted in manners that ruffled the feathers of the religious lawmakers and keepers. Women, by creation, are nurturing; therefore, when they are nurtured into the power of unconventional ministry – often through lonely, barren, valley- like experiences orchestrated by God - they in turn can more intricately and dynamically reach those who are wearing figurative hand me downs of experiences. They are better able to discern the weariness in one’s countenance and the heaviness in one’s wardrobe. More importantly, they are not afraid to touch what Contributing Author Yvette Freeman Rowland calls a certain woman – whomever she may be, whatever story she is living.” their faith. Women who have been addicted to narcotics and lost their world; women who feel God is putting them into enemy territory to show Himself in a different manner; women who have tragically lost a loved one; women who serve in pastoral roles yet suffer with depression or alcoholism. Women with HIV/AIDS or similar illnesses. Women who have faced life in its hardest, darkest and seemingly most condemning moments. Women who find themselves interceding for and empathetically feeling the sorrows and hearing the cries of their fellow sisters (or brothers) and know there is more that they could or should be doing. Some of the themes readers will find themselves discussing include: Expressing compassion to those surviving medical diagnoses related to illnesses with stigma. Deprogramming church mindsets to embrace authentic God/Kingdom principles. Embracing and engaging the lessons from our hard places for our own healing and the healing of others. Allowing the building of one’s faith and strength to create. The mission of BEYOND THE PRETTY DRESS, is to say to women who know there is something within that is waiting to explode when it comes to helping others – release the Dunamis power of God without apology. These women often feel confined by church instructions to serve only within their local church. While that is important, the greatest ministry biblically, is in daily journeys. Freeman says their hope is to give strong encouragement to those sisters. And part of the book’s mission is to also talk to others who may find themselves where these women were and give them living testimonies of overcoming, victorious life, abundant recovery or God’s original plan and purpose for their lives; and the courage to walk out their process to seeing that purpose manifested. The contributing authors of BEYOND THE PRETTY DRESS are women who faced their moments and found transformation in The 11 authors and special guests whose stories are gathered in BEYOND THE PRETTY DRESS are: Carol Williams, Maryland Kathei McCoy, Washington Cyteria Freeman, Florida Yvette Freeman Rowland, Texas Kimberly McGrew, Oregon Tricka Brown, Florida Janice Lewis, Florida/Kenya Maria Pinkston Bazile, Georgia Chosen Thummin, South Carolina Crystal Lee, Florida Debra Wadlington House, Illinois The foreword is written by Rev. Anika Wilson Brown, Washington, DC The closing prayer/exhortation is written by Min. Tania Maxwell Carroll, Florida A special poetic prophetic statement by Min. E. Chantaye Watson, Georgia For ordering and other information, visit