But Rogers says there’s no data to show that COV-
ID-19 is spread by consuming food. “The risk of get-
ting the virus from your food is considered low,” he
demand you have to wait longer. FreshDirect, for in-
stance, mentions on its home page that delivery times
are filling up faster than usual. Amazon Prime Now,
which chiefly delivers from Whole Foods, also men-
tions that “availability may be limited,” though it’s not
Other steps may not make much difference. For in- clear whether that means delivery times are limited,
stance, buying frozen vegetables rather than fresh items are limited, or both. (An Amazon representative
under the assumption that they’re packed in a more didn’t respond to a CR request for comment.)
sanitary way is not an approach that has been backed
up by evidence, says Rogers.
If You’re Picking Up Prepacked Groceries
The steps are basically the same for this option as
If You’re Getting Your Groceries Delivered
for delivery. If you’ve ordered and are merely having
Even if a grocery store or warehouse is thoroughly someone put the groceries in your car in a parking
cleaned on a regular basis, the delivery person needs lot—an option at about 3,000 Walmart locations na-
to take the same precautions to prevent the spread of tionwide—consider opening your car door yourself
a virus to you.
rather than having the person bringing the items to
your car touch the handle. And if you can tip on a su-
(Among the six services in our review of grocery de- permarket’s app, do so rather than handing over cash.
livery services, AmazonFresh, Amazon Prime Now, (Walmart’s employees aren’t permitted to take tips.)
Instacart, and Shipt employ independent contractors
for deliveries. Instacart has begun offering up to 14 If You’re Buying Groceries in a Store
days of pay to all shoppers—including independent A key way to prevent the virus’s spread is to stay 6
contractors—sidelined by coronavirus, plus sick pay feet away from other people. The CDC notes that’s
to its part-time in-store shoppers. FreshDirect and generally the distance within which people pick up
Peapod delivery personnel are company employees; coronavirus droplets through the air from a cough or
and Walmart, which wasn’t part of our ratings, uses sneeze. Such “social distancing” is a good strategy in
DoorDash for deliveries.)
any situation outside the home, Rogers says. Other
While those companies might recommend that deliv-
erers wash their hands often, practice other hygiene Go shopping at a time that’s less busy. If you type
measures, and stay home when they’re feeling sick, in the store’s name and location in Google search, a
they can’t monitor whether drivers are actually tak- box often will pop up showing when foot traffic there
ing those precautions, says Erin Hatton, an associate is highest.
professor of sociology and a labor scholar at the Uni-
versity of Buffalo. “And without paid sick leave, work- Take germicide with you. Use it to wipe your hands
ers are going to try to push through as much as they and the cart before and after you shop.
can,” Hatton says.
Use a credit or debit card. That way, you don’t have to
Follow these steps when ordering deliveries: hand over bills or receive change. Also, use your own
pen to sign receipts. If you can, use a virtual payment
Avoid a direct hand-off. Arrange to have the items de- system like Apple Pay so that you don’t have to open
livered to your doorstep or a place nearby instead. In- your wallet at all.
stacart added that option last week; other companies
have a way to indicate special delivery instructions on Editor’s Note: This article, originally published on
their order forms. FreshDirect says its drivers will no March 9, 2020, was updated to clarify our advice on
longer bring groceries into a home.
how to handle produce and food packaging, as well
as to include news on Instacart’s delivery service and
Tip electronically. One benefit of ordering deliveries how long coronaviruses live on cardboard.
online or via an app is that you don’t have to hand the
delivery person money. Opportunities to tip the deliv-
ery person are included in most of the delivery apps
and online ordering systems.
Order earlier than you usually do. Though it’s not a
safety issue, you may find that in the midst of higher