Founder and Senior Pastor
Believers of Authority Ministries
“Spreading the Gospel for 25 Years”
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”
{Romans 8:14}
Apostle Dr. John H. Chambers is a “servant” appointed
by God to spread the gospel. As Founder and Senior
Pastor of Believers of Authority Ministries (BOA), a
non-denominational, “Word” Church, in Miami (Coco-
nut Grove), Florida he understands his primary role is
to Pray, Preach and Teach. {Acts 6:4}. He is anointed
as an Apostle and gifted as a Prophet and Teacher to
feed knowledge and understanding to hurting people.
Apostle Chambers was formally educated in the Mi-
ami-Dade Public School System, Miami-Dade Com-
munity College and Florida A&M University (FAMU).
On November 12, 2016, Apostle Chambers received
his Doctorate Degree in Theology from C.E.L.A. In-
ternational University. Apostle Chambers was influ-
enced most by his grandmother, Everlena Crawford,
a Godfearing pillar in Wells Temple-Church of God in
Christ. She proclaimed at a very early age that her
grandson would preach the gospel. In 1995, Apostle
Chambers was ordained as a Pastor, started BOA,
and proceeded with devoting full time to spreading the
gospel and building BOA Ministries. Knowing that pro-
motions come from God, Apostle Chambers accepted
the mantle to be ordained to the office of Prophet, by
the late Apostle Joseph Sims, President, End Times
Ministries International (ETM), headquartered in Riv-
erside, CA. He served as Chief Prophet International
with ETM from 2002 to 2006. In 2006, he was or-
dained to the office of Apostle by order of End Times
Ministries International. From 2011 to 2013 he served
as Chaplain for the National Association of Real Es-
tate Brokers, headquartered in Lanham, Maryland.
BOA is a refuge where individuals can be fed spiritu-
ally, have their needs met naturally, and become a
vital part of the community and society; with love and
faith serving as key ingredients. God has led Apostle
Chambers to successfully establish BOA Job Place-
ment Services. For two decades, Apostle Chambers
desire to inspire and motivate young people has man-
ifested with “Back-to-the-Hood”, a motivational forum
targeted to youth and teenagers, to remind them that
success begins with Romans 12:2, to be transformed
by the renewing of your mind. This year’s forum is
scheduled to be in summer 2020; at Virrick Park, in
Coconut Grove.
In 2013, BOA purchased the church in Coconut Grove
that God promised to Apostle Chambers. Also, Apos-
tle Chambers serves as the elected President of the
Coconut Grove Ministerial Alliance (CGMA). Apostle
Chambers’ vision for the CGMA is to implement “sys-
tems integration” which will bring churches together
to resolve community issues. In addition to serving
as President of the Coconut Grove Ministerial Alli-
ance, Apostle Chambers serves as an Advisory Board
Member for the University of Miami School of Law
Center for Ethics and Public Service (CEPS); and as
a Board of Director for the Collective Empowerment
Group (CEG) of South Florida. He is a member of
the Board of Directors for Fellowship Covenant Min-
istries International (FCMI); and a member of Right
Connection Evangelistic Association. Apostle Cham-
bers is the proud father of a daughter, Jaelyn (hus-
band Philip) who resides in Jacksonville, Florida and
a son, David Isaiah, a graduate in music from Florida
Under the leadership and tutelage of Apostle Cham- A&M University (FAMU) with a master’s in film from
bers, BOA operates as a prophetic deliverance min- Florida State University (FSU). Apostle Chambers is
istry whose mission is to win souls, train leaders to also a proud grandfather of three---Jeremy, Ashlyn
spread the gospel, inspire and motivate young people, and Christopher.
and to speak health and hope into the lives of people.