The Gospel Truth Magazine April 2020 | Page 2

Father, Sandy Walker, Publisher We know who You are in times of joy, and we know who You are in times of uncertainty and discomfort. You are the light that we seek on this journey through life. I ask Dear Lord that as the world shifts from that which we have come to know as normal, that You will allow us to embrace a new normal with the unwavering knowledge that You are with us. Replace, Dear Lord, our fears with faith. Replace our doubts with thoughtful decisions. Replace panic with peace. Fill our hearts with compassion for oth- ers. Keep us mindful of the many ways we can be a blessing without compromising safety and health. Lord You have created a world where we are so inter-connected. It is a blessing that even as we are directed to maintain social distance and to retreat into our homes, we can still be social. I can share my prayers and my thoughts with others and reflect on the thoughts of others in return. I can enjoy postings and pictures and jokes and memes. You, my Lord, are always a step ahead!!! Nothing can separate us from the love of the Lord. Father, I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know who holds the future! That statement has never been more meaningful than it is today. To God be the Glory!!! Publisher’s Prayer PUBLISHER Sandy Walker ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Sommer W. Davis 'BUIFSJOUIF/BNFPG+FTVT Sandy Walker EDITOR 0OUIJTCMFTTFEEBZ*IPOPS:PVJOBMMPG Jamil Rivers :PVSHSFBUOFTTBOENBHOJGJDFODF *UIBOL:PV'BUIFSGPSBMMUIBU:PVBSFUP CIRCULATION MANAGER NF#FDBVTFPG:PV*BNBCMFUPFOEVSF Robert Walker UIFDIBMMFOHFTPGUIJTMJGF#FDBVTFPG :PV*IBWFIPQFFBDIBOEFWFSZEBZ 'BUIFS*UIBOL:PVGPSCFJOHXJUINF CONTRIBUTING WRITERS *ONZRVJFUUJNFT*TFFL:PV*ONZ My Father, My God: Father, in the Name of Jesus: UJNFTPGJMMOFTT*SFMZPO:PV*ONZ Moderator Johnny L. Barber UJNFTPGEPVCU*SFNFNCFSZPV*ONZ All is well with my soul Anika as I focus my attention Madison UJNFTPGXFBLOFTT*EFQFOEPO:PV I am eternally grateful for the as love You continue solely on You. I am thankful I breathe the air to -PSE*BNUIBOLGVMUIBU:PVBSFUIFSFGPS bestow upon me. You love me unconditionally with The Gospel Truth Magazine You so graciously provide to me each day. How NFFWFSZTUFQPGUIFXBZ all of my issues and all of my faults. You love me, SW child. 211th How St. Suite 208 wonderful it is to 11285 be Your wonderful Father, in spite of myself. I thank You for being with -PSE*QSBZUPEBZGPSUIPTFXIPIBWF it me is to know that are in Bay, charge. I am thank- Cutler FL 33189 always. I am You comforted by the knowledge that SFBDIFEUIFNJMFTUPOFPGHSBEVBUJPOBU ful Dear Lord for the blessings You continue to You are with me every moment of my life. (786)295-5596 | [email protected] EJGGFSFOUMFWFMTJOUIFJSMJWFT5IJTUJNF bestow. Father I know that I am in no way worthy PGZFBSXFTFFLJOEFSHBSUOFSTKVTU as I You navigate wonderful journey I of Lord all that give this to me. You give me called peace life and TUBSUJOHPVU BOEDPMMFHFHSBEVBUFT am eternally thankful for the love you continue to sur- GJOJTIJOHVQBMPOHFEVDBUJPOBMKPVSOFZ love. You give me food to nourish my body. You round me with. I am thankful for the love and support #MFTTUIFNBMMBTUIFZTFFLUPGJOEUIFJS give me all that I need to GOSPEL survive. Your I have blessings THE TRUTH of my amazing family. There is nothing done XBZ-PSE*QSBZBMTPGPSUIF'BUIFST are so much appreciated as You place the right COVER PACKAGE or could ever do to earn the blessings You continue XIPXJMMCFIPOPSFECZUIFJSGBNJMJFT Gospel Truth Magazine provides excellent people in my life and Father in my I pray path each I know to The bestow upon me. to be a day. blessing to exposure *QSBZUIBU:PVXJMMHJWFFBDINBOUIF for your business, organization, church, or ministry. others as you so generously bless me. You, my Lord Father that You are also placing me in the path of TUSFOHUI BCJMJUZBOEXJMMUPCFBHPPE are so worthy to be praised. MPWJOHQSPWJEFSBTUIFZMFBEUIFJS others so that I might do Your will in being a bless- Cover Photo by Greg Reed GBNJMJFTBOEUIFJSDIJMESFOUP:PV ing as well. Keep my eyes open, Dear Lord, so Father I pray for peace during these uncertain times. that I might see those in need. As much as we try to figure it all out, Lord You already .Z-PSE NZ(PE NZ)PMZ3FEFFNFS  know. When I find myself pondering the circumstanc- :PVBSFTPXPSUIZUPCFQSBJTFE.Z Father I pray all comfort of Your in children who You are are feel- es of the day for I take the fact that in GBJUIBOENZIPQFEXFMMTJO:PV5IBOL 14707 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 101