Churches Oppose “Pay By The Hour” Hotel
Seeking To Build In The Heart Of The Community
The Alladin Hotel, known for seedy, pay by
the hour hotels, has initiated the process to
build a 45 room hotel at 7300 NW 27th Ave.
These types of hotels are known for prostitu-
tion, crime, drugs, human trafficking and all
sorts of unsavory activities. The Gospel Truth
is strongly opposing this project as we cannot
allow our communities to continuously be de-
valued by others who wish to make money at
the expense of the quality of life for children,
seniors and families.
in transition as several welcomed commercial
establishments and housing developments
have been built several blocks south of the
site in recent years. This progress will turn
backwards if this type of business is allowed
to move forward.
As always, our communities are only as
strong as the commitments of those who are
in a position to positively impact them. We
will keep the community posted on the efforts
to stop this project as your support and par-
The response from the churches and com- ticipation is crucial to success. This project
munity groups who have expressed outrage is located in District 2 which is well represent-
at the prospect of this hotel at this location ed by Commissioner Jean Monestime.
has been very significant. This community is